The stable multiple activities problem

K. Cechlárová and V. Važová

This paper deals with the generalization of the classical stable roommates problem, called the Stable Multiple Activities problem, SMA for short. In an SMA instance a multigraph $G=(V,E)$, capacities $b(v)$ and a linear order $\prec_v$ on the set of edges incident to a vertex $v$ for each $v \in V$ are given. A stable \bb-matching is sought, i.e. a set of edges $M$ such that each vertex $v$ is incident with at most $b(v)$ edges and for each edge $e \notin M$ a vertex $v$ incident with $e$ and $b(v)$ different edges $f_1,\dots,f_{b(v)}$ incident to $v$ exist, all of them $\prec_v$-smaller than $e$. We show how to decrease the computational complexity of the SMA algorithm to run in $O(|E|)$ time and derive some properties of stable \bb-matchings.

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