On Octahedral Fulleroids

F. Kardoš and S. Jendrož

The discovery of the fullerene has raised an interest in the study of other candidates for modeling of carbon molecules. Motivated by works of P.~Fowler, Delgado Friedrichs and Deza, $O_h(a,b)$-fulleroids were defined as cubic convex polyhedra having only $a$-gonal and $b$-gonal faces and the symmetry group isomorphic with the full symmetry group of regular octahedron. In this paper we give sufficient and necessary condition for existence of $O_h(5,n)$-fulleroids depending on number $n$ either by finding infinite series of examples to prove existence or proving nonexistence using symmetry invariants.

Contact the authors: kardos@science.upjs.sk, jendrol@kosice.upjs.sk

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